John 4:46-54 – Jesus is Healer November 11, 2018 Alin Armstrong healing Who is Jesus? - The Book of John John
John 4:1-42 – Jesus is Living Waters November 5, 2018 Alin Armstrong Outreach, Spiritual Growth Who is Jesus? - The Book of John John
John 3:22-36 – Jesus is Master October 21, 2018 Alin Armstrong discipleship] Who is Jesus? - The Book of John John
John 3:1-21 – Jesus is Life-Giving Love! October 14, 2018 Alin Armstrong Love, The Gospel Who is Jesus? - The Book of John John
John 2:13-25 – Jesus is the Temple! October 7, 2018 Alin Armstrong Devotion Who is Jesus? - The Book of John John
John 2:1-12 – Jesus is The Eternal Bridegroom September 30, 2018 Alin Armstrong The Gospel Who is Jesus? - The Book of John John
John 1:19-34 – Jesus is the Lamb of God! September 16, 2018 Alin Armstrong The Gospel Who is Jesus? - The Book of John John
John 1:1-18 – Jesus Is the Origin of Life! September 9, 2018 Alin Armstrong God's Glory, The Gospel Who is Jesus? - The Book of John John
Exodus 3 – The Name of God and the Shadow of Christ! September 2, 2018 Alin Armstrong God's Glory Special Events Exodus