Matthew 5:6 – Blessed are the Hungry and Thirsty! November 5, 2017 Alin Armstrong Assurance, Spiritual Growth The Kings Edict: Studies in the Sermon on the Mount! Matthew
Matthew 5:5 – Blessed Are The Meek! October 29, 2017 Alin Armstrong Spiritual Growth The Kings Edict: Studies in the Sermon on the Mount! Matthew, Philippians
Matthew 5:4 – Blessed Are Those Who Mourn October 22, 2017 Alin Armstrong Spiritual Growth, Suffering, The Gospel The Kings Edict: Studies in the Sermon on the Mount! James, Matthew
Matthew 5:3 – Blessed Are The Poor In Spirit! October 15, 2017 Alin Armstrong Redemption, Spiritual Growth The Kings Edict: Studies in the Sermon on the Mount! Luke, Matthew
Matthew 5:1-12 – The Beatitudes! October 8, 2017 Alin Armstrong Spiritual Growth, The Law The Kings Edict: Studies in the Sermon on the Mount! Matthew